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168 lines
9.7 KiB

# Copyright 2012 Mozilla Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Main toolbar buttons (tooltips and alt text for images)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (page.title): The tooltip for the pageNumber input.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (of_pages): "{{pagesCount}}" will be replaced by a number
# representing the total number of pages in the document.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (page_of_pages): "{{pageNumber}}" and "{{pagesCount}}"
# will be replaced by a number representing the currently visible page,
# respectively a number representing the total number of pages in the document.
zoom_out.title=জম আউট
zoom_out_label=জম আউট
zoom_in.title=জম ইন
zoom_in_label=জম ইন
zoom.title=জম কৰক
presentation_mode.title=উপসপন অৱসওক
presentation_mode_label=উপসপন অৱস
open_file.title=ফইল খলক
print.title=পিট কৰক
print_label=পিট কৰক
download.title=ডউনল'ড কৰক
download_label=ডউনল'ড কৰক
bookmark.title=বৰতমন দয (কপি কৰক অথব নতন উইনত খলক)
bookmark_label=বৰতমন দ
# Secondary toolbar and context menu
first_page.title=পৰথম পত যওক
first_page.label=পৰথম পত যওক
first_page_label=পৰথম পত যওক
last_page.title=সৰবশষ পত যওক
last_page.label=সৰবশষ পত যওক
last_page_label=সৰবশষ পত যওক
page_rotate_cw.title=ঘড়ৰ দিশত ঘওক
page_rotate_cw.label=ঘড়ৰ দিশত ঘওক
page_rotate_cw_label=ঘড়ৰ দিশত ঘওক
page_rotate_ccw.title=ঘড়ৰ ওলিশত ঘওক
page_rotate_ccw.label=ঘড়ৰ ওলিশত ঘওক
page_rotate_ccw_label=ঘড়ৰ ওলিশত ঘওক
# Document properties dialog box
document_properties.title=দসজৰ বিযসমহ…
document_properties_label=দসজৰ বিযসমহ…
document_properties_file_name=ফইল নম:
document_properties_file_size=ফইলৰ আকৰ:
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_kb): "{{size_kb}}" and "{{size_b}}"
# will be replaced by the PDF file size in kilobytes, respectively in bytes.
document_properties_kb={{size_kb}} KB ({{size_b}} bytes)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_mb): "{{size_mb}}" and "{{size_b}}"
# will be replaced by the PDF file size in megabytes, respectively in bytes.
document_properties_mb={{size_mb}} MB ({{size_b}} bytes)
document_properties_creation_date=সিৰ তিখ:
document_properties_modification_date=পৰিবৰতনৰ তিখ:
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (document_properties_date_string): "{{date}}" and "{{time}}"
# will be replaced by the creation/modification date, and time, of the PDF file.
document_properties_date_string={{date}}, {{time}}
document_properties_producer=PDF উৎপদক:
document_properties_version=PDF সকৰণ:
document_properties_page_count=পৰ গণন:
document_properties_close=বনধ কৰক
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (print_progress_percent): "{{progress}}" will be replaced by
# a numerical per cent value.
# Tooltips and alt text for side panel toolbar buttons
# (the _label strings are alt text for the buttons, the .title strings are
# tooltips)
toggle_sidebar.title=কষবৰ টগল কৰক
toggle_sidebar_label=কষবৰ টগল কৰক
document_outline_label=দসজ আউটলইন
attachments.title=এটচমটসমহ দওক
thumbs.title=থবনইলসমহ দওক
findbar.title=দসজত সনন কৰক
# Thumbnails panel item (tooltip and alt text for images)
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (thumb_page_title): "{{page}}" will be replaced by the page
# number.
thumb_page_title=প {{page}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (thumb_page_canvas): "{{page}}" will be replaced by the page
# number.
thumb_page_canvas=পৰ থবনইল {{page}}
# Find panel button title and messages
find_previous.title=বশৰ পবৱৰ উপসিি সনন কৰক
find_next.title=বশৰ পৰৱৰ উপসিি সনন কৰক
find_highlight=সকল উজবল কৰক
find_reached_top=তলৰ পৰ আৰমভ কৰি, দসজৰ ওপৰল অহ
find_reached_bottom=ওপৰৰ পৰ আৰমভ কৰি, দসজৰ তলল অহ
find_not_found=বশ প নগল
# Error panel labels
error_more_info=অধিক তথ
error_less_info=কম তথ
error_close=বনধ কৰক
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_version_info): "{{version}}" and "{{build}}" will be
# replaced by the PDF.JS version and build ID.
error_version_info=PDF.js v{{version}} (build: {{build}})
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_message): "{{message}}" will be replaced by an
# english string describing the error.
error_message=ব: {{message}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_stack): "{{stack}}" will be replaced with a stack
# trace.
error_stack=সক: {{stack}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_file): "{{file}}" will be replaced with a filename
error_file=ফইল: {{file}}
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (error_line): "{{line}}" will be replaced with a line number
error_line=শ: {{line}}
rendering_error=এই পৰ কৰ এটিি
# Predefined zoom values
page_scale_width=পৰ পৰস
page_scale_auto=সবচিত জ
page_scale_actual=পৰকত আক
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (page_scale_percent): "{{scale}}" will be replaced by a
# numerical scale value.
# Loading indicator messages
loading_error=PDF ল'ড কৰ এটিি
invalid_file_error=অবধ অথবষতিৰসথ PDF file।
missing_file_error=সননহিন PDF ফইল।
unexpected_response_error=অপৰতিত চৰ পৰতিি
# LOCALIZATION NOTE (text_annotation_type.alt): This is used as a tooltip.
# "{{type}}" will be replaced with an annotation type from a list defined in
# the PDF spec (32000-1:2008 Table 169 – Annotation types).
# Some common types are e.g.: "Check", "Text", "Comment", "Note"
text_annotation_type.alt=[{{type}} ট]
password_label=এই PDF ফইল খিবলছৱৰড সওক।
password_invalid=অবধ পছৱৰড। অনৰহ কৰিনৰ চ কৰক।
password_ok=ঠিক আছ
printing_not_supported=সতৰকব: পিি এই বউছৰ দ সমণভ সমৰিত নহয়।
printing_not_ready=সতৰকব: PDF পিিৰ ব সমণভ ল'ডড নহয়।
web_fonts_disabled=ৱব ফনটসমহ অসমৰথবন কৰ আছ: অনতৰত PDF ফনটসমহ বযৱহৰ কৰিবল অকষম।
document_colors_not_allowed=PDF দসজসমহৰ সিহতৰ নিজসব ৰঙ বযৱহৰ কৰৰ অনমতিই: বউছৰত 'পসমহক সিহতৰ নিজসব ৰঙ নিচন কৰৰ অনমতিিয়ক' অসমৰথবন কৰ আছ