Gitea 代码
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

22 lines
852 B

{{with .Page}}
{{if gt .TotalPages 1}}
<div class="center page buttons">
<div class="ui borderless pagination menu">
<a class="{{if not .HasPrevious}}disabled{{end}} item" {{if .HasPrevious}}href="{{$.Link}}?page={{.Previous}}&q={{$.Keyword}}"{{end}}>
<i class="left arrow icon"></i> {{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.previous"}}
{{range .Pages}}
{{if eq .Num -1}}
<a class="disabled item">...</a>
<a class="{{if .IsCurrent}}active{{end}} item" {{if not .IsCurrent}}href="{{$.Link}}?page={{.Num}}&q={{$.Keyword}}"{{end}}>{{.Num}}</a>
<a class="{{if not .HasNext}}disabled{{end}} item" {{if .HasNext}}href="{{$.Link}}?page={{.Next}}&q={{$.Keyword}}"{{end}}>
{{$.i18n.Tr ""}} <i class="icon right arrow"></i>