Gitea 代码
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package n
import (
. "" // nolint
// Nginx Configuration File lexer.
var Nginx = internal.Register(MustNewLexer(
Name: "Nginx configuration file",
Aliases: []string{"nginx"},
Filenames: []string{"nginx.conf"},
MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-nginx-conf"},
"root": {
{`(include)(\s+)([^\s;]+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Name), nil},
{`[^\s;#]+`, Keyword, Push("stmt")},
"block": {
{`\}`, Punctuation, Pop(2)},
{`[^\s;#]+`, KeywordNamespace, Push("stmt")},
"stmt": {
{`\{`, Punctuation, Push("block")},
{`;`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
"base": {
{`#.*\n`, CommentSingle, nil},
{`on|off`, NameConstant, nil},
{`\$[^\s;#()]+`, NameVariable, nil},
{`([a-z0-9.-]+)(:)([0-9]+)`, ByGroups(Name, Punctuation, LiteralNumberInteger), nil},
{`[a-z-]+/[a-z-+]+`, LiteralString, nil},
{`[0-9]+[km]?\b`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil},
{`(~)(\s*)([^\s{]+)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, Text, LiteralStringRegex), nil},
{`[:=~]`, Punctuation, nil},
{`[^\s;#{}$]+`, LiteralString, nil},
{`/[^\s;#]*`, Name, nil},
{`\s+`, Text, nil},
{`[$;]`, Text, nil},