Gitea 代码
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
1.3 KiB

package a
import (
. "" // nolint
// Apl lexer.
var Apl = internal.Register(MustNewLexer(
Name: "APL",
Aliases: []string{"apl"},
Filenames: []string{"*.apl"},
MimeTypes: []string{},
"root": {
{`\s+`, Text, nil},
{`[⍝#].*$`, CommentSingle, nil},
{`\'((\'\')|[^\'])*\'`, LiteralStringSingle, nil},
{`"(("")|[^"])*"`, LiteralStringDouble, nil},
{`[⋄◇()]`, Punctuation, nil},
{`[\[\];]`, LiteralStringRegex, nil},
{`⎕[A-Za-zΔ∆⍙][A-Za-zΔ∆⍙_¯0-9]*`, NameFunction, nil},
{`[A-Za-zΔ∆⍙][A-Za-zΔ∆⍙_¯0-9]*`, NameVariable, nil},
{`¯?(0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+|[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([Ee][+¯]?[0-9]+)?|¯|∞)([Jj]¯?(0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+|[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([Ee][+¯]?[0-9]+)?|¯|∞))?`, LiteralNumber, nil},
{`[\.\\/⌿⍀¨⍣⍨⍠⍤∘]`, NameAttribute, nil},
{`[+\-×÷⌈⌊∣|⍳?*⍟○!⌹<≤=>≥≠≡≢∊⍷∪∩~∨∧⍱⍲⍴,⍪⌽⊖⍉↑↓⊂⊃⌷⍋⍒⊤⊥⍕⍎⊣⊢⍁⍂≈⌸⍯↗]`, Operator, nil},
{``, NameConstant, nil},
{`[⎕⍞]`, NameVariableGlobal, nil},
{`[←→]`, KeywordDeclaration, nil},
{`[⍺⍵⍶⍹∇:]`, NameBuiltinPseudo, nil},
{`[{}]`, KeywordType, nil},