1. A key can either be an ssh user key or a deploy key. It cannot be both. 2. If a key is a user key - it can only be associated with one user. 3. If a key is a deploy key - it can be used in multiple repositories and the permissions it has on those repositories can be different. 4. If a repository is deleted, its deploy keys must be deleted too. We currently don't enforce any of this and multiple repositories access with different permissions doesn't work at all. This PR enforces the following constraints: - [x] You should not be able to add the same user key as another user - [x] You should not be able to add a ssh user key which is being used as a deploy key - [x] You should not be able to add a ssh deploy key which is being used as a user key - [x] If you add an ssh deploy key to another repository you should be able to use it in different modes without losing the ability to use it in the other mode. - [x] If you delete a repository you must delete all its deploy keys. Fix #1357master
14 changed files with 694 additions and 342 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ |
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package integrations |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"io/ioutil" |
"net/http" |
"testing" |
api "code.gitea.io/sdk/gitea" |
"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" |
) |
type APITestContext struct { |
Reponame string |
Session *TestSession |
Token string |
Username string |
ExpectedCode int |
} |
func NewAPITestContext(t *testing.T, username, reponame string) APITestContext { |
session := loginUser(t, username) |
token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session) |
return APITestContext{ |
Session: session, |
Token: token, |
Username: username, |
Reponame: reponame, |
} |
} |
func (ctx APITestContext) GitPath() string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.git", ctx.Username, ctx.Reponame) |
} |
func doAPICreateRepository(ctx APITestContext, empty bool, callback ...func(*testing.T, api.Repository)) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
createRepoOption := &api.CreateRepoOption{ |
AutoInit: !empty, |
Description: "Temporary repo", |
Name: ctx.Reponame, |
Private: true, |
Gitignores: "", |
License: "WTFPL", |
Readme: "Default", |
} |
req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", "/api/v1/user/repos?token="+ctx.Token, createRepoOption) |
if ctx.ExpectedCode != 0 { |
ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, ctx.ExpectedCode) |
return |
} |
resp := ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) |
var repository api.Repository |
DecodeJSON(t, resp, &repository) |
if len(callback) > 0 { |
callback[0](t, repository) |
} |
} |
} |
func doAPIGetRepository(ctx APITestContext, callback ...func(*testing.T, api.Repository)) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
urlStr := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s?token=%s", ctx.Username, ctx.Reponame, ctx.Token) |
req := NewRequest(t, "GET", urlStr) |
if ctx.ExpectedCode != 0 { |
ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, ctx.ExpectedCode) |
return |
} |
resp := ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK) |
var repository api.Repository |
DecodeJSON(t, resp, &repository) |
if len(callback) > 0 { |
callback[0](t, repository) |
} |
} |
} |
func doAPIDeleteRepository(ctx APITestContext) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
urlStr := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s?token=%s", ctx.Username, ctx.Reponame, ctx.Token) |
req := NewRequest(t, "DELETE", urlStr) |
if ctx.ExpectedCode != 0 { |
ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, ctx.ExpectedCode) |
return |
} |
ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusNoContent) |
} |
} |
func doAPICreateUserKey(ctx APITestContext, keyname, keyFile string, callback ...func(*testing.T, api.PublicKey)) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
urlStr := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/user/keys?token=%s", ctx.Token) |
dataPubKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile + ".pub") |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", urlStr, &api.CreateKeyOption{ |
Title: keyname, |
Key: string(dataPubKey), |
}) |
if ctx.ExpectedCode != 0 { |
ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, ctx.ExpectedCode) |
return |
} |
resp := ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) |
var publicKey api.PublicKey |
DecodeJSON(t, resp, &publicKey) |
if len(callback) > 0 { |
callback[0](t, publicKey) |
} |
} |
} |
func doAPIDeleteUserKey(ctx APITestContext, keyID int64) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
urlStr := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/user/keys/%d?token=%s", keyID, ctx.Token) |
req := NewRequest(t, "DELETE", urlStr) |
if ctx.ExpectedCode != 0 { |
ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, ctx.ExpectedCode) |
return |
} |
ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusNoContent) |
} |
} |
func doAPICreateDeployKey(ctx APITestContext, keyname, keyFile string, readOnly bool) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
urlStr := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/keys?token=%s", ctx.Username, ctx.Reponame, ctx.Token) |
dataPubKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile + ".pub") |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", urlStr, api.CreateKeyOption{ |
Title: keyname, |
Key: string(dataPubKey), |
ReadOnly: readOnly, |
}) |
if ctx.ExpectedCode != 0 { |
ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, ctx.ExpectedCode) |
return |
} |
ctx.Session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) |
} |
} |
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ |
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package integrations |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"io/ioutil" |
"log" |
"net/http" |
"net/url" |
"os" |
"os/exec" |
"path/filepath" |
"testing" |
"time" |
"code.gitea.io/git" |
"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting" |
api "code.gitea.io/sdk/gitea" |
"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" |
) |
func createEmptyRepository(username, reponame string) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
session := loginUser(t, username) |
token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session) |
req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", "/api/v1/user/repos?token="+token, &api.CreateRepoOption{ |
AutoInit: false, |
Description: "Temporary empty repo", |
Name: reponame, |
Private: false, |
}) |
session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) |
} |
} |
func createDeployKey(username, reponame, keyname, keyFile string, readOnly bool) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
session := loginUser(t, username) |
token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session) |
urlStr := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s/keys?token=%s", username, reponame, token) |
dataPubKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile + ".pub") |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
req := NewRequestWithJSON(t, "POST", urlStr, api.CreateKeyOption{ |
Title: keyname, |
Key: string(dataPubKey), |
ReadOnly: readOnly, |
}) |
session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusCreated) |
} |
} |
func initTestRepository(dstPath string) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
// Init repository in dstPath
assert.NoError(t, git.InitRepository(dstPath, false)) |
assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dstPath, "README.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("# Testing Repository\n\nOriginally created in: %s", dstPath)), 0644)) |
assert.NoError(t, git.AddChanges(dstPath, true)) |
signature := git.Signature{ |
Email: "test@example.com", |
Name: "test", |
When: time.Now(), |
} |
assert.NoError(t, git.CommitChanges(dstPath, git.CommitChangesOptions{ |
Committer: &signature, |
Author: &signature, |
Message: "Initial Commit", |
})) |
} |
} |
func pushTestRepository(dstPath, username, reponame string, u url.URL, keyFile string) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
//Setup remote link
u.Scheme = "ssh" |
u.User = url.User("git") |
u.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", setting.SSH.ListenHost, setting.SSH.ListenPort) |
//Setup ssh wrapper
os.Setenv("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", |
"ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "+ |
filepath.Join(setting.AppWorkPath, keyFile)) |
os.Setenv("GIT_SSH_VARIANT", "ssh") |
log.Printf("Adding remote: %s\n", u.String()) |
_, err := git.NewCommand("remote", "add", "origin", u.String()).RunInDir(dstPath) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
log.Printf("Pushing to: %s\n", u.String()) |
_, err = git.NewCommand("push", "-u", "origin", "master").RunInDir(dstPath) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
} |
} |
func checkRepositoryEmptyStatus(username, reponame string, isEmpty bool) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
session := loginUser(t, username) |
token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session) |
urlStr := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s?token=%s", username, reponame, token) |
req := NewRequest(t, "GET", urlStr) |
resp := session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusOK) |
var repository api.Repository |
DecodeJSON(t, resp, &repository) |
assert.Equal(t, isEmpty, repository.Empty) |
} |
} |
func deleteRepository(username, reponame string) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
session := loginUser(t, username) |
token := getTokenForLoggedInUser(t, session) |
urlStr := fmt.Sprintf("/api/v1/repos/%s/%s?token=%s", username, reponame, token) |
req := NewRequest(t, "DELETE", urlStr) |
session.MakeRequest(t, req, http.StatusNoContent) |
} |
} |
func TestPushDeployKeyOnEmptyRepo(t *testing.T) { |
onGiteaRun(t, testPushDeployKeyOnEmptyRepo) |
} |
func testPushDeployKeyOnEmptyRepo(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) { |
reponame := "deploy-key-empty-repo-1" |
username := "user2" |
u.Path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.git", username, reponame) |
keyname := fmt.Sprintf("%s-push", reponame) |
t.Run("CreateEmptyRepository", createEmptyRepository(username, reponame)) |
t.Run("CheckIsEmpty", checkRepositoryEmptyStatus(username, reponame, true)) |
//Setup the push deploy key file
keyFile := filepath.Join(setting.AppDataPath, keyname) |
err := exec.Command("ssh-keygen", "-f", keyFile, "-t", "rsa", "-N", "").Run() |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer os.RemoveAll(keyFile) |
defer os.RemoveAll(keyFile + ".pub") |
t.Run("CreatePushDeployKey", createDeployKey(username, reponame, keyname, keyFile, false)) |
// Setup the testing repository
dstPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "repo-tmp-deploy-key-empty-repo-1") |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer os.RemoveAll(dstPath) |
t.Run("InitTestRepository", initTestRepository(dstPath)) |
t.Run("SSHPushTestRepository", pushTestRepository(dstPath, username, reponame, *u, keyFile)) |
log.Println("Done Push") |
t.Run("CheckIsNotEmpty", checkRepositoryEmptyStatus(username, reponame, false)) |
t.Run("DeleteRepository", deleteRepository(username, reponame)) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ |
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package integrations |
import ( |
"context" |
"fmt" |
"io/ioutil" |
"net" |
"net/http" |
"net/url" |
"os" |
"os/exec" |
"path/filepath" |
"testing" |
"time" |
"code.gitea.io/git" |
"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting" |
"github.com/Unknwon/com" |
"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" |
) |
func withKeyFile(t *testing.T, keyname string, callback func(string)) { |
keyFile := filepath.Join(setting.AppDataPath, keyname) |
err := exec.Command("ssh-keygen", "-f", keyFile, "-t", "rsa", "-N", "").Run() |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
//Setup ssh wrapper
os.Setenv("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", |
"ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "+ |
filepath.Join(setting.AppWorkPath, keyFile)) |
os.Setenv("GIT_SSH_VARIANT", "ssh") |
callback(keyFile) |
defer os.RemoveAll(keyFile) |
defer os.RemoveAll(keyFile + ".pub") |
} |
func createSSHUrl(gitPath string, u *url.URL) *url.URL { |
u2 := *u |
u2.Scheme = "ssh" |
u2.User = url.User("git") |
u2.Host = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", setting.SSH.ListenHost, setting.SSH.ListenPort) |
u2.Path = gitPath |
return &u2 |
} |
func onGiteaRun(t *testing.T, callback func(*testing.T, *url.URL)) { |
prepareTestEnv(t) |
s := http.Server{ |
Handler: mac, |
} |
u, err := url.Parse(setting.AppURL) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", u.Host) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer func() { |
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Minute) |
s.Shutdown(ctx) |
cancel() |
}() |
go s.Serve(listener) |
//Started by config go ssh.Listen(setting.SSH.ListenHost, setting.SSH.ListenPort, setting.SSH.ServerCiphers, setting.SSH.ServerKeyExchanges, setting.SSH.ServerMACs)
callback(t, u) |
} |
func doGitClone(dstLocalPath string, u *url.URL) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
assert.NoError(t, git.Clone(u.String(), dstLocalPath, git.CloneRepoOptions{})) |
assert.True(t, com.IsExist(filepath.Join(dstLocalPath, "README.md"))) |
} |
} |
func doGitCloneFail(dstLocalPath string, u *url.URL) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
assert.Error(t, git.Clone(u.String(), dstLocalPath, git.CloneRepoOptions{})) |
assert.False(t, com.IsExist(filepath.Join(dstLocalPath, "README.md"))) |
} |
} |
func doGitInitTestRepository(dstPath string) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
// Init repository in dstPath
assert.NoError(t, git.InitRepository(dstPath, false)) |
assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dstPath, "README.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("# Testing Repository\n\nOriginally created in: %s", dstPath)), 0644)) |
assert.NoError(t, git.AddChanges(dstPath, true)) |
signature := git.Signature{ |
Email: "test@example.com", |
Name: "test", |
When: time.Now(), |
} |
assert.NoError(t, git.CommitChanges(dstPath, git.CommitChangesOptions{ |
Committer: &signature, |
Author: &signature, |
Message: "Initial Commit", |
})) |
} |
} |
func doGitAddRemote(dstPath, remoteName string, u *url.URL) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
_, err := git.NewCommand("remote", "add", remoteName, u.String()).RunInDir(dstPath) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
} |
} |
func doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, remoteName, branch string) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
_, err := git.NewCommand("push", "-u", remoteName, branch).RunInDir(dstPath) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
} |
} |
func doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(dstPath, remoteName, branch string) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
_, err := git.NewCommand("push", "-u", remoteName, branch).RunInDir(dstPath) |
assert.Error(t, err) |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ |
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package integrations |
import ( |
"fmt" |
"io/ioutil" |
"net/http" |
"net/url" |
"os" |
"path/filepath" |
"testing" |
"time" |
"code.gitea.io/git" |
api "code.gitea.io/sdk/gitea" |
"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" |
) |
func doCheckRepositoryEmptyStatus(ctx APITestContext, isEmpty bool) func(*testing.T) { |
return doAPIGetRepository(ctx, func(t *testing.T, repository api.Repository) { |
assert.Equal(t, isEmpty, repository.Empty) |
}) |
} |
func doAddChangesToCheckout(dstPath, filename string) func(*testing.T) { |
return func(t *testing.T) { |
assert.NoError(t, ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dstPath, filename), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("# Testing Repository\n\nOriginally created in: %s at time: %v", dstPath, time.Now())), 0644)) |
assert.NoError(t, git.AddChanges(dstPath, true)) |
signature := git.Signature{ |
Email: "test@example.com", |
Name: "test", |
When: time.Now(), |
} |
assert.NoError(t, git.CommitChanges(dstPath, git.CommitChangesOptions{ |
Committer: &signature, |
Author: &signature, |
Message: "Initial Commit", |
})) |
} |
} |
func TestPushDeployKeyOnEmptyRepo(t *testing.T) { |
onGiteaRun(t, testPushDeployKeyOnEmptyRepo) |
} |
func testPushDeployKeyOnEmptyRepo(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) { |
// OK login
ctx := NewAPITestContext(t, "user2", "deploy-key-empty-repo-1") |
keyname := fmt.Sprintf("%s-push", ctx.Reponame) |
u.Path = ctx.GitPath() |
t.Run("CreateEmptyRepository", doAPICreateRepository(ctx, true)) |
t.Run("CheckIsEmpty", doCheckRepositoryEmptyStatus(ctx, true)) |
withKeyFile(t, keyname, func(keyFile string) { |
t.Run("CreatePushDeployKey", doAPICreateDeployKey(ctx, keyname, keyFile, false)) |
// Setup the testing repository
dstPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "repo-tmp-deploy-key-empty-repo-1") |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer os.RemoveAll(dstPath) |
t.Run("InitTestRepository", doGitInitTestRepository(dstPath)) |
//Setup remote link
sshURL := createSSHUrl(ctx.GitPath(), u) |
t.Run("AddRemote", doGitAddRemote(dstPath, "origin", sshURL)) |
t.Run("SSHPushTestRepository", doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, "origin", "master")) |
t.Run("CheckIsNotEmpty", doCheckRepositoryEmptyStatus(ctx, false)) |
t.Run("DeleteRepository", doAPIDeleteRepository(ctx)) |
}) |
} |
func TestKeyOnlyOneType(t *testing.T) { |
onGiteaRun(t, testKeyOnlyOneType) |
} |
func testKeyOnlyOneType(t *testing.T, u *url.URL) { |
// Once a key is a user key we cannot use it as a deploy key
// If we delete it from the user we should be able to use it as a deploy key
reponame := "ssh-key-test-repo" |
username := "user2" |
u.Path = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.git", username, reponame) |
keyname := fmt.Sprintf("%s-push", reponame) |
// OK login
ctx := NewAPITestContext(t, username, reponame) |
otherCtx := ctx |
otherCtx.Reponame = "ssh-key-test-repo-2" |
failCtx := ctx |
failCtx.ExpectedCode = http.StatusUnprocessableEntity |
t.Run("CreateRepository", doAPICreateRepository(ctx, false)) |
t.Run("CreateOtherRepository", doAPICreateRepository(otherCtx, false)) |
withKeyFile(t, keyname, func(keyFile string) { |
var userKeyPublicKeyID int64 |
t.Run("KeyCanOnlyBeUser", func(t *testing.T) { |
dstPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", ctx.Reponame) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer os.RemoveAll(dstPath) |
sshURL := createSSHUrl(ctx.GitPath(), u) |
t.Run("FailToClone", doGitCloneFail(dstPath, sshURL)) |
t.Run("CreateUserKey", doAPICreateUserKey(ctx, keyname, keyFile, func(t *testing.T, publicKey api.PublicKey) { |
userKeyPublicKeyID = publicKey.ID |
})) |
t.Run("FailToAddReadOnlyDeployKey", doAPICreateDeployKey(failCtx, keyname, keyFile, true)) |
t.Run("FailToAddDeployKey", doAPICreateDeployKey(failCtx, keyname, keyFile, false)) |
t.Run("Clone", doGitClone(dstPath, sshURL)) |
t.Run("AddChanges", doAddChangesToCheckout(dstPath, "CHANGES1.md")) |
t.Run("Push", doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, "origin", "master")) |
t.Run("DeleteUserKey", doAPIDeleteUserKey(ctx, userKeyPublicKeyID)) |
}) |
t.Run("KeyCanBeAnyDeployButNotUserAswell", func(t *testing.T) { |
dstPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", ctx.Reponame) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer os.RemoveAll(dstPath) |
sshURL := createSSHUrl(ctx.GitPath(), u) |
t.Run("FailToClone", doGitCloneFail(dstPath, sshURL)) |
// Should now be able to add...
t.Run("AddReadOnlyDeployKey", doAPICreateDeployKey(ctx, keyname, keyFile, true)) |
t.Run("Clone", doGitClone(dstPath, sshURL)) |
t.Run("AddChanges", doAddChangesToCheckout(dstPath, "CHANGES2.md")) |
t.Run("FailToPush", doGitPushTestRepositoryFail(dstPath, "origin", "master")) |
otherSSHURL := createSSHUrl(otherCtx.GitPath(), u) |
dstOtherPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", otherCtx.Reponame) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer os.RemoveAll(dstOtherPath) |
t.Run("AddWriterDeployKeyToOther", doAPICreateDeployKey(otherCtx, keyname, keyFile, false)) |
t.Run("CloneOther", doGitClone(dstOtherPath, otherSSHURL)) |
t.Run("AddChangesToOther", doAddChangesToCheckout(dstOtherPath, "CHANGES3.md")) |
t.Run("PushToOther", doGitPushTestRepository(dstOtherPath, "origin", "master")) |
t.Run("FailToCreateUserKey", doAPICreateUserKey(failCtx, keyname, keyFile)) |
}) |
t.Run("DeleteRepositoryShouldReleaseKey", func(t *testing.T) { |
otherSSHURL := createSSHUrl(otherCtx.GitPath(), u) |
dstOtherPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", otherCtx.Reponame) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer os.RemoveAll(dstOtherPath) |
t.Run("DeleteRepository", doAPIDeleteRepository(ctx)) |
t.Run("FailToCreateUserKeyAsStillDeploy", doAPICreateUserKey(failCtx, keyname, keyFile)) |
t.Run("MakeSureCloneOtherStillWorks", doGitClone(dstOtherPath, otherSSHURL)) |
t.Run("AddChangesToOther", doAddChangesToCheckout(dstOtherPath, "CHANGES3.md")) |
t.Run("PushToOther", doGitPushTestRepository(dstOtherPath, "origin", "master")) |
t.Run("DeleteOtherRepository", doAPIDeleteRepository(otherCtx)) |
t.Run("RecreateRepository", doAPICreateRepository(ctx, false)) |
t.Run("CreateUserKey", doAPICreateUserKey(ctx, keyname, keyFile, func(t *testing.T, publicKey api.PublicKey) { |
userKeyPublicKeyID = publicKey.ID |
})) |
dstPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", ctx.Reponame) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer os.RemoveAll(dstPath) |
sshURL := createSSHUrl(ctx.GitPath(), u) |
t.Run("Clone", doGitClone(dstPath, sshURL)) |
t.Run("AddChanges", doAddChangesToCheckout(dstPath, "CHANGES1.md")) |
t.Run("Push", doGitPushTestRepository(dstPath, "origin", "master")) |
}) |
t.Run("DeleteUserKeyShouldRemoveAbilityToClone", func(t *testing.T) { |
dstPath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", ctx.Reponame) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
defer os.RemoveAll(dstPath) |
sshURL := createSSHUrl(ctx.GitPath(), u) |
t.Run("DeleteUserKey", doAPIDeleteUserKey(ctx, userKeyPublicKeyID)) |
t.Run("FailToClone", doGitCloneFail(dstPath, sshURL)) |
}) |
}) |
} |
Reference in new issue