// Copyright 2015 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package user

import (


const (
	tplFollowers base.TplName = "user/meta/followers"

// GetUserByName get user by name
func GetUserByName(ctx *context.Context, name string) *models.User {
	user, err := models.GetUserByName(name)
	if err != nil {
		if models.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
			ctx.NotFound("GetUserByName", nil)
		} else {
			ctx.ServerError("GetUserByName", err)
		return nil
	return user

// GetUserByParams returns user whose name is presented in URL paramenter.
func GetUserByParams(ctx *context.Context) *models.User {
	return GetUserByName(ctx, ctx.Params(":username"))

// Profile render user's profile page
func Profile(ctx *context.Context) {
	uname := ctx.Params(":username")
	// Special handle for FireFox requests favicon.ico.
	if uname == "favicon.ico" {
		ctx.ServeFile(path.Join(setting.StaticRootPath, "public/img/favicon.png"))
	} else if strings.HasSuffix(uname, ".png") {

	isShowKeys := false
	if strings.HasSuffix(uname, ".keys") {
		isShowKeys = true
		uname = strings.TrimSuffix(uname, ".keys")

	isShowGPG := false
	if strings.HasSuffix(uname, ".gpg") {
		isShowGPG = true
		uname = strings.TrimSuffix(uname, ".gpg")

	ctxUser := GetUserByName(ctx, uname)
	if ctx.Written() {

	// Show SSH keys.
	if isShowKeys {
		ShowSSHKeys(ctx, ctxUser.ID)

	// Show GPG keys.
	if isShowGPG {
		ShowGPGKeys(ctx, ctxUser.ID)

	if ctxUser.IsOrganization() {

	// Show OpenID URIs
	openIDs, err := models.GetUserOpenIDs(ctxUser.ID)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("GetUserOpenIDs", err)

	ctx.Data["Title"] = ctxUser.DisplayName()
	ctx.Data["PageIsUserProfile"] = true
	ctx.Data["Owner"] = ctxUser
	ctx.Data["OpenIDs"] = openIDs
	ctx.Data["EnableHeatmap"] = setting.Service.EnableUserHeatmap
	ctx.Data["HeatmapUser"] = ctxUser.Name
	showPrivate := ctx.IsSigned && (ctx.User.IsAdmin || ctx.User.ID == ctxUser.ID)

	orgs, err := models.GetOrgsByUserID(ctxUser.ID, showPrivate)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("GetOrgsByUserIDDesc", err)

	ctx.Data["Orgs"] = orgs
	ctx.Data["HasOrgsVisible"] = models.HasOrgsVisible(orgs, ctx.User)

	tab := ctx.Query("tab")
	ctx.Data["TabName"] = tab

	page := ctx.QueryInt("page")
	if page <= 0 {
		page = 1

	topicOnly := ctx.QueryBool("topic")

	var (
		repos   []*models.Repository
		count   int64
		total   int
		orderBy models.SearchOrderBy

	ctx.Data["SortType"] = ctx.Query("sort")
	switch ctx.Query("sort") {
	case "newest":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByNewest
	case "oldest":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByOldest
	case "recentupdate":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated
	case "leastupdate":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByLeastUpdated
	case "reversealphabetically":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByAlphabeticallyReverse
	case "alphabetically":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByAlphabetically
	case "moststars":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByStarsReverse
	case "feweststars":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByStars
	case "mostforks":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByForksReverse
	case "fewestforks":
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByForks
		ctx.Data["SortType"] = "recentupdate"
		orderBy = models.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated

	keyword := strings.Trim(ctx.Query("q"), " ")
	ctx.Data["Keyword"] = keyword
	switch tab {
	case "activity":
		retrieveFeeds(ctx, models.GetFeedsOptions{RequestedUser: ctxUser,
			IncludePrivate:  showPrivate,
			OnlyPerformedBy: true,
			IncludeDeleted:  false,
		if ctx.Written() {
	case "stars":
		ctx.Data["PageIsProfileStarList"] = true
		repos, count, err = models.SearchRepository(&models.SearchRepoOptions{
			Keyword:            keyword,
			OrderBy:            orderBy,
			Private:            ctx.IsSigned,
			UserIsAdmin:        ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin(),
			UserID:             ctx.Data["SignedUserID"].(int64),
			Page:               page,
			PageSize:           setting.UI.User.RepoPagingNum,
			StarredByID:        ctxUser.ID,
			Collaborate:        util.OptionalBoolFalse,
			TopicOnly:          topicOnly,
			IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
		if err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)

		total = int(count)
		repos, count, err = models.SearchRepository(&models.SearchRepoOptions{
			Keyword:            keyword,
			OwnerID:            ctxUser.ID,
			OrderBy:            orderBy,
			Private:            ctx.IsSigned,
			UserIsAdmin:        ctx.IsUserSiteAdmin(),
			UserID:             ctx.Data["SignedUserID"].(int64),
			Page:               page,
			IsProfile:          true,
			PageSize:           setting.UI.User.RepoPagingNum,
			Collaborate:        util.OptionalBoolFalse,
			TopicOnly:          topicOnly,
			IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
		if err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)

		total = int(count)
	ctx.Data["Repos"] = repos
	ctx.Data["Total"] = total

	pager := context.NewPagination(total, setting.UI.User.RepoPagingNum, page, 5)
	ctx.Data["Page"] = pager

	ctx.Data["ShowUserEmail"] = len(ctxUser.Email) > 0 && ctx.IsSigned && (!ctxUser.KeepEmailPrivate || ctxUser.ID == ctx.User.ID)

	ctx.HTML(200, tplProfile)

// Followers render user's followers page
func Followers(ctx *context.Context) {
	u := GetUserByParams(ctx)
	if ctx.Written() {
	ctx.Data["Title"] = u.DisplayName()
	ctx.Data["CardsTitle"] = ctx.Tr("user.followers")
	ctx.Data["PageIsFollowers"] = true
	ctx.Data["Owner"] = u
	repo.RenderUserCards(ctx, u.NumFollowers, u.GetFollowers, tplFollowers)

// Following render user's followering page
func Following(ctx *context.Context) {
	u := GetUserByParams(ctx)
	if ctx.Written() {
	ctx.Data["Title"] = u.DisplayName()
	ctx.Data["CardsTitle"] = ctx.Tr("user.following")
	ctx.Data["PageIsFollowing"] = true
	ctx.Data["Owner"] = u
	repo.RenderUserCards(ctx, u.NumFollowing, u.GetFollowing, tplFollowers)

// Action response for follow/unfollow user request
func Action(ctx *context.Context) {
	u := GetUserByParams(ctx)
	if ctx.Written() {

	var err error
	switch ctx.Params(":action") {
	case "follow":
		err = models.FollowUser(ctx.User.ID, u.ID)
	case "unfollow":
		err = models.UnfollowUser(ctx.User.ID, u.ID)

	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError(fmt.Sprintf("Action (%s)", ctx.Params(":action")), err)

	ctx.RedirectToFirst(ctx.Query("redirect_to"), u.HomeLink())