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<div class="ui segments">
<div class="ui segment sub-menu repository-menu">
<div class="ui two horizontal center link list">
{{if and (.Permission.CanRead $.UnitTypeCode) (not .IsEmptyRepo)}}
<div class="item{{if .PageIsCommits}} active{{end}}">
<a class="ui" href="{{.RepoLink}}/commits{{if .IsViewBranch}}/branch{{else if .IsViewTag}}/tag{{else if .IsViewCommit}}/commit{{end}}/{{EscapePound .BranchName}}">{{svg "octicon-history" 16}} <b>{{.CommitsCount}}</b> {{.i18n.Tr (TrN .i18n.Lang .CommitsCount "repo.commit" "repo.commits") }}</a>
{{if and (.Permission.CanRead $.UnitTypeCode) (not .IsEmptyRepo) }}
<div class="item{{if .PageIsBranches}} active{{end}}">
<a class="ui" href="{{.RepoLink}}/branches/">{{svg "octicon-git-branch" 16}} <b>{{.BranchesCount}}</b> {{.i18n.Tr (TrN .i18n.Lang .BranchesCount "repo.branch" "repo.branches") }}</a>
<div class="item">
<a class="ui" href="#">{{svg "octicon-database" 16}} <b>{{SizeFmt .Repository.Size}}</b></a>
{{if and (.Permission.CanRead $.UnitTypeCode) (not .IsEmptyRepo) .LanguageStats }}
<div class="ui segment sub-menu language-stats-details" style="display: none">
<div class="ui horizontal center link list">
{{range .LanguageStats}}
<div class="item">
<i class="color-icon" style="background-color: {{ .Color }}"></i>
<span class="ui"><b>
{{if eq .Language "other" }}
{{ $.i18n.Tr "repo.language_other" }}
{{ .Language }}
</b> {{ .Percentage }}%</span>
<a class="ui segment language-stats">
{{range .LanguageStats}}
<div class="bar" style="width: {{ .Percentage }}%; background-color: {{ .Color }}">&nbsp;</div>