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2017-07-21T12:00:00+02:00 Run as service in Linux linux-service 10 true false [{sidebar [{parent installation} {name Linux service} {weight 20} {identifier linux-service}]}]

Run as service in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Using systemd

Run below command in terminal:

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/gitea.service

Add code to the file from here.

Uncomment any service need to be enabled like mysql in this case in Unit section.

Change the user(git) accordingly to yours. And /home/git too if your username is different than git. Change the PORT or remove the -p flag if default port is used.

Lastly start and enable gitea at boot:

sudo systemctl start gitea
sudo systemctl enable gitea

Using supervisor

Install supervisor by running below command in terminal:

sudo apt install supervisor

Create a log dir for the supervisor logs(assuming gitea is installed in /home/git/gitea/):

mkdir /home/git/gitea/log/supervisor

Open supervisor config file in vi/vim/nano etc.

sudo vim /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf

And append the code at the end of the file from here.

Change the user(git) accordingly to yours. And /home/git too if your username is different than git. Change the PORT or remove the -p flag if default port is used.

Lastly start and enable supervisor at boot:

sudo systemctl start supervisor
sudo systemctl enable supervisor