Gitea 代码
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
1.9 KiB

package c
import (
. "" // nolint
// Cfengine3 lexer.
var Cfengine3 = internal.Register(MustNewLexer(
Name: "CFEngine3",
Aliases: []string{"cfengine3", "cf3"},
Filenames: []string{"*.cf"},
MimeTypes: []string{},
"root": {
{`#.*?\n`, Comment, nil},
{`(body)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(control)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text, Keyword), nil},
{`(body|bundle)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\w+)(\()`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text, NameFunction, Punctuation), Push("arglist")},
{`(body|bundle)(\s+)(\S+)(\s+)(\w+)`, ByGroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text, NameFunction), nil},
{`(")([^"]+)(")(\s+)(string|slist|int|real)(\s*)(=>)(\s*)`, ByGroups(Punctuation, NameVariable, Punctuation, Text, KeywordType, Text, Operator, Text), nil},
{`(\S+)(\s*)(=>)(\s*)`, ByGroups(KeywordReserved, Text, Operator, Text), nil},
{`"`, LiteralString, Push("string")},
{`(\w+)(\()`, ByGroups(NameFunction, Punctuation), nil},
{`([\w.!&|()]+)(::)`, ByGroups(NameClass, Punctuation), nil},
{`(\w+)(:)`, ByGroups(KeywordDeclaration, Punctuation), nil},
{`@[{(][^)}]+[})]`, NameVariable, nil},
{`[(){},;]`, Punctuation, nil},
{`=>`, Operator, nil},
{`->`, Operator, nil},
{`\d+\.\d+`, LiteralNumberFloat, nil},
{`\d+`, LiteralNumberInteger, nil},
{`\w+`, NameFunction, nil},
{`\s+`, Text, nil},
"string": {
{`\$[{(]`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push("interpol")},
{`\\.`, LiteralStringEscape, nil},
{`"`, LiteralString, Pop(1)},
{`\n`, LiteralString, nil},
{`.`, LiteralString, nil},
"interpol": {
{`\$[{(]`, LiteralStringInterpol, Push()},
{`[})]`, LiteralStringInterpol, Pop(1)},
{`[^${()}]+`, LiteralStringInterpol, nil},
"arglist": {
{`\)`, Punctuation, Pop(1)},
{`,`, Punctuation, nil},
{`\w+`, NameVariable, nil},
{`\s+`, Text, nil},