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56 lines
1.4 KiB

all: test
rm -rf bin
rm -rf tests/*_easyjson.go
rm -rf benchmark/*_easyjson.go
go build -i -o ./bin/easyjson ./easyjson
generate: build
bin/easyjson -stubs \
./tests/snake.go \
./tests/data.go \
./tests/omitempty.go \
./tests/nothing.go \
./tests/named_type.go \
./tests/custom_map_key_type.go \
./tests/embedded_type.go \
./tests/reference_to_pointer.go \
./tests/html.go \
./tests/unknown_fields.go \
bin/easyjson -all ./tests/data.go
bin/easyjson -all ./tests/nothing.go
bin/easyjson -all ./tests/errors.go
bin/easyjson -all ./tests/html.go
bin/easyjson -snake_case ./tests/snake.go
bin/easyjson -omit_empty ./tests/omitempty.go
bin/easyjson -build_tags=use_easyjson ./benchmark/data.go
bin/easyjson ./tests/nested_easy.go
bin/easyjson ./tests/named_type.go
bin/easyjson ./tests/custom_map_key_type.go
bin/easyjson ./tests/embedded_type.go
bin/easyjson ./tests/reference_to_pointer.go
bin/easyjson ./tests/key_marshaler_map.go
bin/easyjson -disallow_unknown_fields ./tests/disallow_unknown.go
bin/easyjson ./tests/unknown_fields.go
test: generate
go test \
./tests \
./jlexer \
./gen \
cd benchmark && go test -benchmem -tags use_easyjson -bench .
golint -set_exit_status ./tests/*_easyjson.go
bench-other: generate
cd benchmark && make
.PHONY: clean generate test build