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Mura Li d77176912b Use Go1.11 module (#5743) 6 years ago
.gitignore Use Go1.11 module (#5743) 6 years ago
.gitmodules Use Go1.11 module (#5743) 6 years ago
.travis.yml Use Go1.11 module (#5743) 6 years ago
AUTHORS Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
CONTRIBUTORS Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
LICENSE Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
LICENSE-2.0.txt Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
Makefile Use Go1.11 module (#5743) 6 years ago Use Go1.11 module (#5743) 6 years ago
arraycontainer.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
arraycontainer_gen.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
bitmapcontainer.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
bitmapcontainer_gen.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
ctz.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
ctz_compat.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
fastaggregation.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
manyiterator.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
parallel.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
popcnt.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
popcnt_amd64.s Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
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popcnt_generic.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
popcnt_slices.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
priorityqueue.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
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rle16_gen.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
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rlecommon.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
rlei.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
roaring.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
roaringarray.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
roaringarray_gen.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
serialization.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
serialization_generic.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
serialization_littleendian.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
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setutil.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
shortiterator.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
smat.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago
util.go Update to last common bleve (#3986) 7 years ago

roaring Build Status Coverage Status GoDoc Go Report Card

This is a go version of the Roaring bitmap data structure.

Roaring bitmaps are used by several major systems such as Apache Lucene and derivative systems such as Solr and Elasticsearch, Metamarkets' Druid, LinkedIn Pinot, Netflix Atlas, Apache Spark, OpenSearchServer, Cloud Torrent, Whoosh, Pilosa, Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), and eBay's Apache Kylin.

Roaring bitmaps are found to work well in many important applications:

Use Roaring for bitmap compression whenever possible. Do not use other bitmap compression methods (Wang et al., SIGMOD 2017)

The roaring Go library is used by

This library is used in production in several systems, it is part of the Awesome Go collection.

There are also Java and C/C++ versions. The Java, C, C++ and Go version are binary compatible: e.g, you can save bitmaps from a Java program and load them back in Go, and vice versa. We have a format specification.

This code is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0 (ASL2.0).

Copyright 2016-... by the authors.


  • Daniel Lemire, Owen Kaser, Nathan Kurz, Luca Deri, Chris O'Hara, François Saint-Jacques, Gregory Ssi-Yan-Kai, Roaring Bitmaps: Implementation of an Optimized Software Library, Software: Practice and Experience 48 (4), 2018 arXiv:1709.07821
  • Samy Chambi, Daniel Lemire, Owen Kaser, Robert Godin, Better bitmap performance with Roaring bitmaps, Software: Practice and Experience 46 (5), 2016. This paper used data from
  • Daniel Lemire, Gregory Ssi-Yan-Kai, Owen Kaser, Consistently faster and smaller compressed bitmaps with Roaring, Software: Practice and Experience 46 (11), 2016.


Dependencies are fetched automatically by giving the -t flag to go get.

they include


Note that the smat library requires Go 1.6 or better.


  • go get -t


Here is a simplified but complete example:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // example inspired by
    rb1 := roaring.BitmapOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100, 1000)

    rb2 := roaring.BitmapOf(3, 4, 1000)

    rb3 := roaring.New()

    fmt.Println("Cardinality: ", rb1.GetCardinality())

    fmt.Println("Contains 3? ", rb1.Contains(3))




    // computes union of the three bitmaps in parallel using 4 workers  
    roaring.ParOr(4, rb1, rb2, rb3)
    // computes intersection of the three bitmaps in parallel using 4 workers  
    roaring.ParAnd(4, rb1, rb2, rb3)

    // prints 1, 3, 4, 5, 1000
    i := rb3.Iterator()
    for i.HasNext() {

    // next we include an example of serialization
    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    rb1.WriteTo(buf) // we omit error handling
    newrb:= roaring.New()
    if rb1.Equals(newrb) {
    	fmt.Println("I wrote the content to a byte stream and read it back.")

If you wish to use serialization and handle errors, you might want to consider the following sample of code:

	rb := BitmapOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100, 1000)
	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed writing")
	newrb:= New()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Failed reading")
	if ! rb.Equals(newrb) {
		t.Errorf("Cannot retrieve serialized version")

Given N integers in [0,x), then the serialized size in bytes of a Roaring bitmap should never exceed this bound:

8 + 9 * ((long)x+65535)/65536 + 2 * N

That is, given a fixed overhead for the universe size (x), Roaring bitmaps never use more than 2 bytes per integer. You can call BoundSerializedSizeInBytes for a more precise estimate.


Current documentation is available at

Goroutine safety

In general, it should not generally be considered safe to access the same bitmaps using different goroutines--they are left unsynchronized for performance. Should you want to access a Bitmap from more than one goroutine, you should provide synchronization. Typically this is done by using channels to pass the *Bitmap around (in Go style; so there is only ever one owner), or by using sync.Mutex to serialize operations on Bitmaps.


We test our software. For a report on our test coverage, see



     go test -bench Benchmark -run -

To run benchmarks on Real Roaring Datasets run the following:

go get
BENCH_REAL_DATA=1 go test -bench BenchmarkRealData -run -

Iterative use

You can use roaring with gore:

  • go get -u
  • Make sure that $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH.
  • go get github/RoaringBitmap/roaring
$ gore
gore version 0.2.6  :help for help
gore> :import
gore> x:=roaring.New()
gore> x.Add(1)
gore> x.String()

Fuzzy testing

You can help us test further the library with fuzzy testing:

     go get
     go get
     go test -tags=gofuzz -run=TestGenerateSmatCorpus
     go-fuzz -bin=./ -workdir=workdir/ -timeout=200

Let it run, and if the # of crashers is > 0, check out the reports in the workdir where you should be able to find the panic goroutine stack traces.

Alternative in Go

There is a Go version wrapping the C/C++ implementation

For an alternative implementation in Go, see The two versions were written independently.

Mailing list/discussion group!forum/roaring-bitmaps