[Branch View] add download button (#7604)

* add download-button info message

* add overflow-visible css for table colum class

* right colum is always there

* add download button for default branch

* add download button for all other branchs

* resize table colum so two buttons fit in

* code indent avter rebase

* show commit divergence corect

* changes because of merge master into ...

* optimize if statement for protected branches

* dont downloat a deleted branch - fix error 404
6543 6 years ago committed by Lunny Xiao
parent a19138c1d3
commit 31a1fe175f
  1. 1
  2. 1
  3. 3
  4. 36

@ -1408,6 +1408,7 @@ branch.restore_success = Branch '%s' has been restored.
branch.restore_failed = Failed to restore branch '%s'.
branch.protected_deletion_failed = Branch '%s' is protected. It cannot be deleted.
branch.restore = Restore Branch '%s'
branch.download = Download Branch '%s'
topic.manage_topics = Manage Topics
topic.done = Done

@ -985,6 +985,7 @@ tbody.commit-list{vertical-align:baseline}
.ui.repository.list .item .ui.avatar.image{width:24px;height:24px}
.ui.repository.branches .info{font-size:12px;color:grey;display:flex;white-space:pre}
.ui.repository.branches .info .commit-message{max-width:72em;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}
.ui.repository.branches .overflow-visible{overflow:visible}
.ui.user.list .item{padding-bottom:25px}
.ui.user.list .item:not(:first-child){border-top:1px solid #eee;padding-top:25px}
.ui.user.list .item .ui.avatar.image{width:40px;height:40px}

@ -73,6 +73,9 @@
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.overflow-visible {
overflow: visible;
.ui.user.list {

@ -23,6 +23,15 @@
<td class="right aligned overflow-visible">
<div class="ui basic jump dropdown icon button poping up" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.download" ($.DefaultBranch|EscapePound)}}" data-variation="tiny inverted" data-position="top right">
<i class="download icon"></i>
<div class="menu">
<a class="item" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{EscapePound $.DefaultBranch}}.zip"><i class="octicon octicon-file-zip"></i> ZIP</a>
<a class="item" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{EscapePound $.DefaultBranch}}.tar.gz"><i class="octicon octicon-file-zip"></i> TAR.GZ</a>
@ -50,7 +59,7 @@
<p class="info"><i class="octicon octicon-git-commit"></i><a href="{{$.RepoLink}}/commit/{{.Commit.ID.String}}">{{ShortSha .Commit.ID.String}}</a> · <span class="commit-message">{{RenderCommitMessage .Commit.CommitMessage $.RepoLink $.Repository.ComposeMetas}}</span> · {{$.i18n.Tr "org.repo_updated"}} {{TimeSince .Commit.Committer.When $.i18n.Lang}}</p>
<td class="two wide ui">
<td class="three wide ui">
{{if not .IsDeleted}}
<div class="commit-divergence">
<div class="bar-group">
@ -82,15 +91,24 @@
{{if and $.IsWriter (not $.IsMirror)}}
<td class="one wide right aligned">
{{if and .IsDeleted (not .IsProtected)}}
<a class="ui basic jump button icon poping up undo-button" href data-url="{{$.Link}}/restore?branch_id={{.DeletedBranch.ID | urlquery}}&name={{.DeletedBranch.Name | urlquery}}" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.restore" (.Name | EscapePound)}}" data-variation="tiny inverted" data-position="top right"><i class="octicon octicon-reply text blue"></i></a>
{{else if (not .IsProtected)}}
<a class="ui basic jump button icon poping up delete-branch-button" href data-url="{{$.Link}}/delete?name={{.Name | urlquery}}" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.delete" (.Name | EscapePound)}}" data-variation="tiny inverted" data-position="top right" data-name="{{.Name}}"><i class="trash icon text red"></i></a>
<td class="two wide right aligned overflow-visible">
{{if (not .IsDeleted)}}
<div class="ui basic jump dropdown icon button poping up" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.download" (.Name|EscapePound)}}" data-variation="tiny inverted" data-position="top right">
<i class="download icon"></i>
<div class="menu">
<a class="item" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{EscapePound .Name}}.zip"><i class="octicon octicon-file-zip"></i> ZIP</a>
<a class="item" href="{{$.RepoLink}}/archive/{{EscapePound .Name}}.tar.gz"><i class="octicon octicon-file-zip"></i> TAR.GZ</a>
{{if and $.IsWriter (not $.IsMirror) (not .IsProtected)}}
{{if .IsDeleted}}
<a class="ui basic jump button icon poping up undo-button" href data-url="{{$.Link}}/restore?branch_id={{.DeletedBranch.ID | urlquery}}&name={{.DeletedBranch.Name | urlquery}}" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.restore" (.Name | EscapePound)}}" data-variation="tiny inverted" data-position="top right"><i class="octicon octicon-reply text blue"></i></a>
<a class="ui basic jump button icon poping up delete-branch-button" href data-url="{{$.Link}}/delete?name={{.Name | urlquery}}" data-content="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.branch.delete" (.Name | EscapePound)}}" data-variation="tiny inverted" data-position="top right" data-name="{{.Name}}"><i class="trash icon text red"></i></a>
